Starting a non-profit

Status update on starting Redwoods Wonder Forge, including filing all our documents for the non-profit and finding a space!

Starting a non-profit

Progress is not always obvious when you're moving fast, which is why I'm a fan of celebrating incremental progress regularly. Don't get me wrong—we have quite a ways to go, but we've achieved many milestones over the last month.

First, starting a non-profit is not super clear or easy—not that anyone ever said it was easy. I suppose I'm just stating the obvious. There are lots of open items that we're plenty anxious about, but I'll go over that at the end.

The main takeaway is that the non-profit is still a work in progress. The process requires due diligence, but we're working our best to keep a sustainable pace. We are in this for the long haul.

Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

We have submitted our Articles of Incorporation and are awaiting a response from the state of California. Once we get word back, we can request an EIN and then submit paperwork for our non-profit status with the IRS.

The non-profit's bylaws are drafted and are pending our first board meeting for approval. That's slated for the 22nd of March. We'll be an official organization with the expressed goals of bringing STEAM programming to Del Norte and Curry counties.

Harbor Game Con

Initially, we wanted to gauge interest in a low-risk way. We attended Harbor Game Con last year and had a blast. Why not attend as a vendor and talk to the target demographic face to face?! I'm typing this during a lull in traffic at Harbor Game Con, and I can report that interest exists. But, in all honesty, we knew this a few weeks ago. We've been talking to folks all over Crescent City, and the consensus is that STEAM programs are in heavy need.

We pivoted our display a few weeks ago to getting signups rather than gauging interest. The response from folks has been excitement and encouragement. We've met kids, adults, and families with a range of skills and passions who are interested in participating.

We're here for a few more hours, but I'm energized. There's a lot of anxiety about this work: Are people interested? Can the community support these programs? Can we locate a space? Can we get enough grants? Your excitement is refilling our batteries. THANK YOU!


One final update concerns acquiring a space for activities. With Harbor Game Con over, our focus turns to finding an adequate space—one we can use for at least the next 12 months. This requires more community engagement, specifically with school officials, with FIRST districts (ORTOP and NORCAL FIRST), and with other non-profits.

We're prepared for different eventualities and will communicate our plan as soon as possible. Our plans are all based on the availability of funding and space, so you can understand how this is all very squishy right now.

Thank you

Seriously, we're so humbled and moved by the interest at Harbor Game Con. We're giving this our all and we can't wait to finally make it a reality!

With ❤️, Redwoods Wonder Forge board.